Addr. Hwanghwa Bldg. 1607ho, Gangnam-Daero 320, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea

I hope people can get some healing from my paintings.
My main theme of art is 'Thought'.
I express the diverse colors and shapes of thoughts by using the form of nature.
My symbol, Flying fish, travels freely and helps to spread thoughts of people.

Rio Ahn

I draw people’s thoughts in my own way.

Every person thinks.

And the colors, feelings and features of thoughts are very diverse.

I started to have interest in ‘thought’ during the conversation with people. Sharing thought brings new idea and sometimes it develops philosophy and ideology. 

Those thoughts are very similar to nature.

Various trees, flowers, leaves, and living things harmonize and meet to form a single mass. They are connected and form a flow. And it becomes a forest like a community.

Both thought and nature have the organic flow, various shapes and colors. They are connected to each other.

I focused on this natural curved flow and colors and expressed in the work with my own spirited shapes and colors. Sometimes my trees look odd and even bizarre, because trees in my painting are not only the appearance of nature, but also the images of various thoughts and memories.

They are trees of thoughts and birth from the seeds of thoughts. And there is no limit in expression. 

Also, when starting a work, firstly I think about main colors that can represent the meaning of each work's thoughts. Some colors give you vitality, while others calm your mind. I used colors to convey my intention and bring the connection with viewers. 

Books are also major subject in my painting, because books are a collection of thoughts.

I express books through various situations or my imaginations. 

In addition, you can see the flying fish in every work of mine. Flying fish is my symbol.

The fish got feathers and wings, got out of the water, and it became Flying fish. Flying fish travels freely all over the world and spreads people’s thoughts from here to there. Sometimes Flying fish is the transportation of travelers, carrying books (the collected body of thought) and guides wanderers.

I hope that the viewer will receive warm energy or a moment of comfort and healing with my color in artworks.

Academic ability

2017  Completed Personal Enrichment Program / Academy of Art University (U.S.)

2008  Graduated from Kingston University (UK) / Communication Design MA

2003  Graduated from Seoul National University (South Korea) / Visual Design

1998 Graduated from Sunhwa Art High School (South Korea)

Addr. Hwanghwa Bldg. 1607ho, Gangnam-Daero 320, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea